Proceedings of 27th Annual Technological Advances in Science, Medicine and Engineering Conference 2023

Review on Application of 6R Principles for the Process Optimization in the Automobile Industry
Sam Niroshan Thayapararajah

The world is moving towards achieving the best in business activities. This achievement should be a sustainable achievement. In order to succeed, the current manufacturing sector is more rely on the three major pillars of sustainability, which can create the competitive advantage for the organization. As per the, annual reports of a manufacturing firm, they insist more towards social and environmental development which are the pioneers for the business activities. Industries gain their competitive advantages by means of globalization, market growth and absorption of new product techniques. Thus, the future of the industrial sector is wholly depended on the dramatic improvement in the productivity while meeting the customer expectations through quality-based product manufacturing process. This rises the importance of rethinking of any manufacturing environment for the successful survival. On the other hand, it has been proven that business activities prevail the main reason for environmental pollution. According to the previous statistical analysis, manufacturing sector holds the third position in the rank of activities which generates more CO2 where electricity and heat production leads the list around the world. This creates the attention of the sustainable business activities for all scale of manufacturing industries. As a solution, the circular economy has received the attention as the potential solution for most of the sustainability issues in industries. The strategic implementation of Circular Economical practices has shown the drastic improvement in the business-related issues in the current world. A review on the concept of 6R principles has been selected for the process optimization in the automobile industries. The idea behind this selection is to implement the 6R principles which is a branch of Circular Economy, which leads to process optimization. It has been shown that 6R principles are convenient, scalable, and it is not only restricted for an automotive industry, while having the capability to implement throughout the whole manufacturing sector. Thus, it is believed, that this might create a bridging for the automobile industry between lean manufacturing and circular economy.

Last modified: 2023-06-17
Building: SickKids Hospital / University of Toronto
Room: Science Hall
Date: July 1, 2023 - 12:05 PM – 12:20 PM

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