Proceedings of 26th Annual Technological Advances in Science, Medicine and Engineering Conference 2022

A valid and novel Non-Pharmacological Approach to reduce the risk of Neurological and Neurodegenerative Diseases
Niharika Chopra, Sivakalai J. S, Muralikrishnan Dhansekeran, SWAMINATHAN J

“Hyperarousal disorder” is a state of intensified and enhanced sensitivity to emotions that are asserted as the neuronal hyperarousal. Barbiturates and benzodiazepines are the current pharmacological therapeutic approach to reducing neuronal hyperarousal. However, the above pharmacological approach has severe adverse effects such as an increase in body mass index and cognitive impairment. Hence, novel non-pharmacological approaches are currently being investigated to reduce neuronal hyperarousal. The art of “Music” is well-defined structural, mathematical, and architectural art that has been used for recreational and health purposes. The vibrations arising from the music stimulate the auditory structure and are transmitted as electrical signals to the brain and significantly affect physiological function. The proficient application of music to maintain and improve emotional and physical health is known as music therapy. Short Term Music Therapy Intervention for Arousal and Attention Regulation (SMAART) is an innovative and novel approach toward the use of music as a non-pharmacological approach. However, the use of SMAART for specific neurological disease(s) is unknown. Hence a systematic meta-analysis was performed using PubMed, Scopus, and Google scholar databases, using suitable keywords up to May-2022. Music therapy is beneficial for neurological and neurodegenerative diseases. Interestingly, Music therapy is currently used as an aphrodisiac to stimulate the nerves in the male and female genitals and promotes sexual desire, arousal, performance, or pleasure.


The possible pharmacodynamic effect may be due to an increased release/production of dopamine. Hence, Music therapy is a low-cost non-pharmacological approach that is can be frequently used to relieve stress, pain (surgical, procedural, acute, and chronic), anxiety, seizure, and symptoms associated with neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease).


Keywords: neuronal hyperarousal, music therapy, aphrodisiac. Neurological diseases

Last modified: 2022-08-20
Building: TASME Center
Room: Science Hall
Date: August 28, 2022 - 01:50 PM – 02:05 PM

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