Proceedings of Technological Advances in Science, Medicine and Engineering Conference 2021

Experiential and Interactive Learning: A new Approach
Bala Maheswaran

Experiential learning motivates students to grasp the concept and gain knowledge in the subject. It also helps them to use their skill for innovative outcomes. Experiential based learning is an interesting concept and is in practice at several institutions. How much these activities influence learning is always met with varying opinions. We try to reform engineering education by moving away from the boundaries of traditional classroom based methods to project-based, concept-based, team-based, skill- and knowledge-integrated approaches using real world situations.

In our presentation, we will show innovative experiential learning approaches and their outcomes. This includes sample students papers and projects published at peer-reviewed proceedings, and several learning activities used as part of the experiential education. We will also present prototypical course requirements, such as, case study, proposals for projects, projects reports, designing and building prototypes. This presentation will be beneficial to other educators to style their own experiential learning approaches.

Last modified: 2021-07-01
Building: TASME Center
Room: General Hall
Date: July 3, 2021 - 10:20 AM – 10:35 AM

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