Proceedings of Technological Advances in Science, Medicine and Engineering Conference 2021

Online examinations for engineering courses at University of Southern Queensland during COVID pandemic
Kathirgamalingam Somasundaraswaran
The University of Southern Queensland (USQ) has been offering distance education for the last three decades. It has an excellent online learning management platform to administer lecture deliveries, online assignments submission,  releasing feedback, and discussing the feedback. USQ students are familiarised with the online platform. Prior to the arrival of COVID pandemic, the final assessment item for most engineering courses was a proctored paper-based exam. However, after the arrival of the COVID19  pandemic, alternate online-based examination strategies were introduced.  After several discussions, academics finalised three alternate examination styles for engineering courses: an online exam and a take-home exam, and assignment-based assessment. The style adopted helped the students to sit examination from the comfort of their home. However, the alternate assessment system introduced new problems that required addressing. This paper highlights the first two styles adopted, tactics in developing questions, a moderation process to maintain academic integrity, and a planned exam administration system for reducing delivery risks. This study provides consequences regarding these approaches for potential adopters. It opens up an investigation on developing appropriate testing procedures to ensure consistency and standardisation across the online exam.

Last modified: 2021-07-01
Building: TASME Center
Room: General Hall
Date: July 4, 2021 - 01:50 PM – 02:05 PM

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